As I Age…

Somya Barpanda
1 min readOct 20, 2020
For more of my art-works, check out:

I don’t remember the last time,
I watched the sun go down,
Far away in the horizon,
The crimson ball of fire,
Drowning away in a sea of pink.

I don’t remember the last time,
I saw a sparrow visit my veranda,
In search of water or grain,
Hop about the railing,
Decorate it with its droppings.

I don’t remember the last time,
I let the breeze,
Serenade me with its lullaby,
Caress my unkempt hair,
Whisper secrets into my ears.

I don’t remember the last time,
I smiled at a stranger,
Said an inadvertent ‘Hi’,
Struck up a conversation,
Found new friendship.

All I remember about my days,
Is a constant staring at screens,
Big screen, small screen,
Phone screen, Laptop screen,
This screen, that screen.

While I while away my moments in vain,
The earth and the earthlings,
Still go about their ways,
Grow younger by the day,
As I age.



Somya Barpanda

A fantasizer; a nature enthusiast; a seeker of magic in the mundane